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2023 Conference Awards — Accepting Applications Now

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The ISES is inclusive to scientists from around the world. To further support students and new researchers from lower-middle-income countries, ISES has established the annual ISES Conference Awards.  

Recipients eligible for the 2023 Conference Awards include:

  1. Students
  2. New Researchers (less than 10 years from highest completed degrees), includes post-docs
  3. Scientists from Low, Lower-Middle, and Upper-Middle income countries* (any level)
  4. Those who are experiencing extreme financial hardship due to the pandemic

*Low, Lower-Middle, and Upper-Middle income countries or regions are classified by the World Bank. A list of “High-income” countries not considered as “Low, Lower-Middle, or Upper-Middle-income” can be found on this website.

Awards will include a monetary amount to be applied to meeting registrations, and a one-year ISES membership. Additional funds may be available to cover travel expenses (up to $3,000 for applicants from Low, Lower-Middle, and Upper-Middle income countries or up to $600 for applicants from High-income countries). Selection criteria include quality of abstract, financial need, and interest, commitment, and contributions to exposure science. Priority will be given to applicants who have not received an ISES Conference Award before. Awards are non-transferrable.

Please submit this form by April 20th, 2023.  

If you have questions, please contact

You will be informed by e-mail when awardees are chosen by the ISES 2023 Annual Meeting Technical Organizing Committee in early June.

UPDATE:  There were over 80 applications for the ISES 2023 Annual Meeting Conference Awards.  Notifications may be delayed as the Diversity Committee is reviewing them all thoroughly.

DEADLINE:  April 20, 2023