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February Joint Webinar: Silicone Wristbands: Personal Exposure Monitors

February 6, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Dr. Heather Stapleton of Duke University will present “Silicone Wristbands: Personal Exposure Monitors to Help Support Research on the Exposome.”  OneHealth and the exposome are critical conceptual constructs that are helping to evolve our approaches to mixtures and assessment of real-world cumulative exposures over a lifetime; environmental justice and citizen science can also be informed by considering these constructs.

This is a joint webinar with Risk Assessment Specialty Section (RASS) of the Society of Toxicology (SOT).

Click the link below to join the webinar:

Meeting ID: 850 4648 8583
Passcode: SOT2023

Abstract:  The concept of the exposome was first introduced in 2005 as a means of complementing the genome and calling for more research to characterize our environment and improve our understanding of non-genetic disease risks. However, the human “environment” is incredibly complex and dynamic, particularly over an individual’s lifespan. Our diet, behavior, occupation, and housing all strongly influence our chemical and non-chemical exposures. A number of exposomics based research studies to date have utilized human tissues (e.g. blood) to characterize both exogenous and endogenous chemicals and examine associations with disease state. Characterizing and measuring chemical exposures in blood and urine, while often ideal, does have some limitations, and there is a need to pair ambient and personal measures of chemical exposures with biological measurements. This talk will highlight current research that utilizes silicone wristbands to measure the external exposome, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of these wearable sensors. In addition, this talk will highlight research that has used silicone wristbands to understand associations with internal dose, exposures over different life stages, to support One Health, and in occupational and non-occupational settings.

