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Facebook Live Event! AES

Ask An Exposure Scientist Mom any and all questions you have regarding COVID-19 safety, returning to school and staying prepared for the upcoming months!! Stay tuned for our next Facebook Live event coming soon! Missed this event: watch here.

Facebook Live Event

Join us at our for a Facebook live Q/A event! Ask An Exposure Scientist Mom any and all questions you have regarding COVID-19 safety, returning to school and staying prepared for the upcoming months!


Estimating Children’s Soil and Dust Ingestion Rates for Exposure Science Request for Applications (RFA) and Informational Webinar Thursday 06/18/2020 2:00PM to 3:30PM EDT

NIEHS Exposure Science and the Exposome Webinar Series New Advances in Satellite Based Exposure Modeling: Lessons Learned from Models in the US, Mexico, Israel, India and Europe

Title: NIEHS Exposure Science and the Exposome Webinar Series New Advances in Satellite Based Exposure Modeling: Lessons Learned from Models in the US, Mexico, Israel, India and Europe Speaker: Itai Kloog, Ph.D., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 11:00 AM–12:30 PM EDT Register Here

Board Nominations Last Day!

Board nominations have opened and will run through July 17, 2020. If you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague, please submit your responses here.

ISES2020: Travel Awards Applications Due

We have set up Travel Awards to support students and new researchers from developing countries, and/or those who are experiencing extreme financial hardship due to the pandemic. Check eligibility & apply by 7/26/2020!