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i-HBM Working Group: Blog


The final conference of the Human Biomonitoring for Europe (HBM4EU) consortium, a joint effort of 30 countries, the European Environment Agency, and the European Commission, was held on April 27-28 in Brussels, Belgium. The overall theme of the 2022 conference was ‘Science and policy for a healthy future’ highlighting the important role that, since 2017 until its conclusion in 2022, HBM4EU played in linking science and health, environment, and chemicals policy to protect human health more effectively.

During the two-day conference, a wide range of topics were addressed – from harmonisation of procedures and tools to novel methods to identify human internal exposure to chemicals. The focus was on the transfer of scientific findings into policy recommendations.

HBM4EU, organized into 16 work packages clustered under three pillars, represented a novel collaboration between scientists and chemical risk assessors and risk managers, as well as representatives at the national level. At the conference, leaders from the HBM4EU’s pillars and work packages, as well as top-class scientists involved in HBM4EU presented their key findings on 18 priority substances including lead, mercury, cadmium, acrylamide, flame retardants, chromium, PFAS and bisphenols. Data are now available on the new European Human Biomonitoring Dashboard.

Congratulations to Marike Kolossa-Gehring from the German Environment Agency, the HBM4EU Project Coordinator, and all scientists involved in this transformative initiative, for the many impressive accomplishments of HBM4EU!



Antonia Calafat, PhD                                                                                                 Annie St-Amand
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention                                                            Health Canada