ISES 2025 Awards
List of Awards
- Excellence in Exposure Science Award
- Joan M. Daisey Outstanding Young Scientist Award
- ISES Service Award
- IPA/DGUV Award for Young Scientist
- Young Investigator Meeting Award
- ISES Award for Best Student Paper
These prestigious awards recognize outstanding contributions to the field of exposure science, from early-career researchers to established leaders who have left a lasting impact.
Excellence in Exposure Science Award
Purpose: With the end of funding for the Constance L. Mehlman Award and a need to redefine the Jerome J. Wesolowski Award, the ISES Board has established a new award to recognize individuals who have left an indelible mark in the field of exposure science. This award established in 2018, is inspired by the work of visionary individuals who have helped shape the field of exposure science and who supported the origins and growth of the ISES and have now passed on but left a strong legacy.
Any person, ISES member or not, whose highest degree was conferred in the calendar year more than 10 years prior to the year in which the award is to be given, and is not a member of the ISES Awards Committee, is eligible for this award.
Award Criteria (Examples of what demonstrates outstanding contributions)
- Significant scientific contribution to exposure science (e.g., sentinel paper linking indoor air pollution to human health; development of a program, dataset or tool that can enable or enhance interpretation of exposure science data; development of a new sampling tool, device or method that is currently or expected to be widely used; a significant number of high impact papers as lead author or supervising author).
- Service to exposure science community (e.g., ISES service as officer, councilor, committee chair or member; active mentor in ISES’s mentor program; history of mentoring junior scientists enabling them to become independent researchers; editor, associate editor, editorial board member, or reviewer of journal; study section member, etc.).
- Promote exposure science (e.g., discuss the important role of exposure science in selected studies; publish sentinel papers on the role of exposure science in environmental health; textbook author, etc.).
- Conduct research for practical translation (e.g., conduct interdisciplinary research with existing or expected high impact on policy changes; conducting research addressing emerging topics of immediate concern in environmental health; meta-analysis of studies to synthesize findings for policy change, etc.).
Nominating Process: Nominators should, in the context of the above criteria, describe the major contributions of the nominee to the science of human exposure assessment, and the nominee’s impact on the field, and provide a curriculum vitae, resume, or biographical sketch of the nominee in sufficient depth for evaluation by the ISES Awards Committee. A supporting letter from at least one other person familiar with the contributions of the nominee is necessary; other supporting letters are strongly encouraged. For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone, and Eric S. Hall.
Selection Procedure: Upon close of nominations, the ISES Awards Committee Co-Chairs shall provide copies of all materials they have received to each ISES Awards Committee member for review. Each ISES Awards Committee member shall evaluate the candidates based on the materials supplied in the context of the above criteria.
Nature of the Award: The award shall consist of a plaque and honorarium. ISES may also provide support for travel to the meeting.
Award lecture: The recipient will be expected to present an Award Lecture at the ISES Annual Meeting and to submit the PowerPoint presentation to the ISES webmaster for posting on the ISES website. The recipient is invited (put not required) to submit a manuscript of his/her lecture for publication in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE).
Joan M. Daisey Outstanding Young Scientist Award
Purpose: To recognize outstanding contributions to the science of human exposure analysis by a young scientist.
Eligibility: Any person, ISES member or not, whose highest degree was conferred in the calendar year less than 10 years prior to the year in which the award is to be given, and is not a member of the ISES Awards Committee, is eligible for this award.
Nominating procedure: A nomination shall consist of a nominating letter from a current ISES member describing the contributions of the nominee to the science of human exposure assessment, the nominee’s potential for making future contributions to the field, and a curriculum vitae, resume, or biographical sketch of the nominee in sufficient depth for evaluation by the ISES Awards Committee. The person submitting the nomination is encouraged to solicit supporting letters from others familiar with the contributions of the nominee. For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone, and Eric S. Hall.
Selection Procedure: Upon close of nominations, the ISES Awards Committee Co-Chairs shall provide copies of all materials they have received to each ISES Awards Committee member for review. Each ISES Awards Committee member shall evaluate the candidates based on the materials supplied and based on the above criteria.
Nature of the Award: The award shall consist of a plaque, ISES membership for one year, and $1000, which can be awarded as a check or as travel reimbursement to an ISES conference, at the discretion of the recipient.
ISES Service Award
Purpose: The ISES Service Award recognizes ISES members who demonstrate outstanding service through commitment and dedication to supporting the mission and/or functioning of the Society. This award honors ISES members who: a) provide long-term service and/or leadership on one or more ISES Committees; b) volunteer to serve on ISES Technical Operations Committees (TOCs) for annual and/or joint meetings while performing at a high level; c) volunteer for new ISES initiatives and/or special working groups; d) served with distinction as an ISES Board Member; e) served with distinction as an ISES Committee Chair; f) actively promote ISES; g) recruit new members to ISES, and; h) other accomplishments noted by the Awards Committee.
Eligibility: Only ISES members can receive this award, and the award can be received only one time by ISES members.
Nominating procedure: A Society member must submit to the Awards Committee a nomination letter and supporting information detailing the nature of the service accomplished by the nominee. Examples of outstanding service and Societal impact may include:
– Exemplary, committed, and sustained leadership on an existing ISES committee.
– Extended duration of committee membership (e.g., 10+ active years)
– Development and/or implementation of a new initiative or program within the Society.
– Outstanding, consistent, and enthusiastic support of ISES mission and goals through multiple committee memberships, hosting annual meetings, promotion of the Society, and/or recruitment of new members.
For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone, and Eric S. Hall.
Selection Procedure: The ISES Awards Committee will review each nomination and select at least one award recipient based on the detailed writeups provided for each award nominee.
Nature of the Award: To be determined
IPA/DGUV Award for Young Scientists
Purpose: To foster research in exposure areas with linkages to biomonitoring for superior doctoral students working on their dissertation, or in the first three years of their postdoctoral experience. The individual career stage is considered in selecting the winner of the award, which is for those whose doctoral field is in the exposure sciences, occupational/environmental health sciences, toxicology, biochemistry, biology or a related field.
Eligibility: Any person, ISES member or not, who is a doctoral student working on their dissertation, or in the first three years of their postdoctoral experience, prior to the year in which the award is given. The individual career stage is considered in selecting the winner of the award. An eligible candidate is one whose doctoral field is health sciences, toxicology, biochemistry, biology or a related field and who is not a member of the ISES Awards Committee.
Nominating procedure: A nomination shall consist of a nominating letter from a current ISES member describing the contributions of the nominee to the science of human exposure science, the nominee’s potential for making future contributions to the field, and a curriculum vitae, resume, or biographical sketch of the nominee in sufficient depth for evaluation by the ISES Awards Committee. The person submitting the nomination is required to obtain a seconding letter and is encouraged to solicit supporting letters from others familiar with the contributions of the nominee. For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone, and Eric S. Hall.
Selection Procedure: Upon close of the nominations, the ISES Awards Committee Co-Chairs shall provide copies of all materials they have received to each ISES Awards Committee member for review. Each ISES Awards Committee member shall evaluate the candidates based on the materials supplied, and on published papers. Criteria for evaluation should include: (1) scientific quality of publications; (2) significance of the nominee’s research to the field of exposure analysis, and; (3) the nominee’s potential for making future contributions to the science of exposure analysis.
Nature of the award: The award shall consist of a plaque and 1500 Euros (€). The awardee may be invited to give a talk in Europe on his/her research as well.
* The DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung – German Social Accident Insurance [German Statutory Accident Insurance]) is an association of accident insurance institutions. Its members insure over 70 million people against the consequences of occupational, school and commuting accidents and occupational diseases.
Young Investigator Meeting Award
Purpose: To support student and new researcher (a researcher within 10 years of earning their terminal degree) participation at the ISES Annual Meetings. This award is sponsored by the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE), a Springer Nature publication.
Eligibility: Recipients must be a current student or new researcher (a researcher within 10 years of earning their terminal degree).
Application Procedure: Applications must be submitted to the ISES Awards Committee by the stated deadline. The nomination consists of brief e-mail identifying the nominee and their qualifications along with a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae or resume. Additional material may be requested. For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone, and Eric S. Hall.
Nature of the Award: The award shall consist of a certificate and $500 provided in reimbursement for meeting registration and/or travel costs incurred in attending the ISES Annual Meeting.
ISES Award for Best Student Paper
Purpose: To encourage high quality first author publications in Exposure Science by students.
Eligibility: The first author of an eligible publication must currently be a student or have been a student at the time in which the published work was submitted for publication. Further, the first author must be a current ISES member. The paper must have been published in either the current or prior volume year. The paper does not have to be published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE).
Papers will be judged on criteria that include the following:
- The paper is creative and/or innovative. This can be in terms of methods, organization, generation of knowledge, or in translation between science and applications.
- The quality of the science is high. Measurements and methods should be transparent, verifiable, reproducible, rigorous, reliable, and relevant.
- The presentation of the science is of high quality.
- The paper is visually attractive, economical in use of words, tables, figures, and space, and is well organized, clear, and easy to read.
- Findings are provided in context with other work (e.g., corroborative, weight of evidence, etc.). Results are presented in a clear and unbiased manner (e.g. negative as well as positive results are discussed, and are not over-extrapolated).
Nomination Procedure: Nominations must be submitted to the ISES Awards Committee by the stated deadline. There are no restrictions on who may nominate, and self-nominations are encouraged. The nomination e-mail should include a copy of the nominee’s manuscript and the nominee’s curriculum vitae, or resume. Additional information, such as a verification of student status may be requested. For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone, and Eric S. Hall.
Selection Procedure: Upon close of nominations, the ISES Awards Committee shall evaluate the candidates based on the materials supplied and the criteria for the award. This award is not mandatory, and in the year in which nominations are received, the award will only be given when submissions are determined to be representative of the best student research published in exposure science. The ISES Awards Committee may, at their discretion, award two qualified candidates in a given year.
Nature of the award: The award shall consist of award certificates for all authors of a selected paper, with the first author also receiving a one-year membership to ISES. ISES may also acknowledge runner-up papers with letters of recognition for all authors.